Learn To Earn

Our Mission

BirthRoot Community Doula’s Learn to Earn Incentive Program is committed to empowering individuals through education and personal development. By providing incentives for learning and skill-building, we aim to cultivate self-confidence, and create opportunities for economic growth and community success. Through this program, we strive to break barriers, bridge gaps, and foster a culture of achievement and resilience.

Diaper Initiative

The Diaper Initiative is dedicated to supporting families by ensuring every child has access to clean and reliable diapering essentials. We strive to alleviate the financial burden of diaper needs, promote healthy child development, and empower caregivers with resources and community support. Through engagment and compassion, we aim to create a world where no parent has to choose between basic necessities and their child’s well-being.

Car Seat Lending Programs

The Car Seat Lending Program is committed to promoting child safety by providing access to reliable, age-appropriate car seats for families in need. Through education, resources, and community partnerships, we aim to reduce transportation-related risks and ensure every child travels safely. Our mission is to empower caregivers with the tools and knowledge needed to prioritize child safety, fostering a community where every child has a secure start in life.

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania. The PA Traffic Injury Prevention Project is a program of the PA AAP and funded through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.